Day 195, Tuesday, 7.5.22: Why am I still so emotional?

I am so excited to report that things are going really good!

Today I had a 6-month follow-up at UIHC with the one + only, Dr. Lizarraga, who removed my cancer. I LOVED seeing her, again. As I was walking to the appointment, I felt so fortunate to be able to be in the clinic there in Iowa City.

Really, I mean how fricking lucky am I to be walking in those halls at the UIHC, having had a great recovery, and amazing experience with humans (aka doctors) who dedicate their lives to helping people like me?

I was a little emotional.

So the outcome of today's appointment:

Bad news: This is my last follow-up appointment with her.

Good news: There's a possibility the numbness I still feel on the left side where the lymph nodes were removed could disappear.

I'm down 10 lbs from my last post-op appointment there! (Hell, yes!!)


I've "graduated" to a "survivorship" Dr. every 6 months for the next 3 appointments, then move to yearly appointments for follow-ups!

In other news, I've been taking 20 mg. Tamoxifen since March 20th. This is the only cancer preventative med. I'm inhaling each a.m. and plan to take for a total of 5 years. It suppresses the body from making estrogen which feeds cancer in me. So, if it stops my body from making estrogen, I'll have a greater chance of not getting cancer, again.

Sounds like a win to me!

Back Story: When I started Tamoxifen on Feb. 1st, I experienced some strange feelings Feb. 15th + went to the ER. St. Luke's did a phenomenal job checking me out that day... got a CT brain + chest scan, MRI brain scan and lots of blood draws. All turned out just fine, aside from one thing (high blood clot possibility). So I was released with the suggestion to stop the Tamoxifen for a bit. (A side effect is blood clots.)

Current Day: Tamoxifen can have a shit load of side effects. I'm beyond stoked that none of those have happened to me (yet?), including hot flashes.

The end of July is when I get to meet with my Oncologist, again. I'm excited to find out if the hot flashes are still on the horizon or what she thinks

Took a video and pic from today's appointment...